Nurhidayah, Hijriati Sholehah, Nefi Andriana Fajri, Hairun Anwar, Sahril Ramadoan, dan Mulhidin. “The Education and Training on Making Local Microorganisms (MOL) As Activators of Organic Fertilizer on a Household Scale in the Women’s Farmer Group in Darmaji Village, Central Lombok Regency: Education and Training on Making Local Microorganisms (MOL) As Activators of Organic Fertilizer on a Household Scale in the Women’s Farmer Group in Darmaji Village, Central Lombok Regency”. Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA 7, no. 4 (November 5, 2024): 1212–1219. Diakses Januari 18, 2025.