Edukasi Pengenalan Kosakata Serapan Bahasa Arab ke Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Bagi Guru Sekolah Keagamaan Ponpes Nurul Wahyi NW Mujur


Hasanuddin Chaer






Vol 6 No 2 (2023): April-Juni

Kata Kunci:

Educating; Lexicon; Linguistics; Al-Qur'an



Cara Mengutip

Chaer, H. . (2023). Edukasi Pengenalan Kosakata Serapan Bahasa Arab ke Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Bagi Guru Sekolah Keagamaan Ponpes Nurul Wahyi NW Mujur . Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA, 6(2), 322–327.


Jumlah akses PDF
Jun 22 '23Jun 25 '23Jun 28 '23Jul 01 '23Jul 04 '23Jul 07 '23Jul 10 '23Jul 13 '23Jul 16 '23Jul 19 '237.0


This Higher Instruction Tri Dharma movement points to supply Arabic lexicon educating to devout school instructors Nurul Wahyi NW Islamic Boarding School, Mujur Town. The impact of this benefit action is me as a servant compile scientific work.Those included within the prepared of this benefit action incorporate; understudies, instructors, youth pioneers and religious leaders, all of whom totaled 32 individuals. To attain the targets of this community benefit movement, I,m as a servant employments an andragogical approach that emphasizes the address and address and reply strategy. I,m as a servant utilized this approach since the members comprised of students, instructors and devout pioneers. Hence, the result of this movement is to supply an understanding of the meaning of Arabic assimilation lexicon into Indonesian through writing books and etymological ponders of the Qur'an. Particularly for analysts, it can be logical composing and can be distributed through licensed national diaries. The term of the movement is 3 days, beginning from the arrangement organize to the completion of the program. The put for actualizing the community benefit program is at the Hidayaturrahman Mosque in Mujur Town which is the center of Diniyah (devout) exercises for understudies and instructors. With the conclusion of the community benefit program, the members picked up extra understanding into Arabic retention lexicon into Indonesian. The point is that this community benefit program has been running concurring to the target anticipated by me as a servant.


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