The Use of Photovoice Techniques to Explore Students’ Strategies in Learning English Vocabulary


Nurul Sakinah , Boniesta Zulandha Melani , Amrullah , Sudirman wilian






Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Mei 2024


Photovoice, Strategy,Vocabulary



How to Cite

Sakinah, N., Melani, B. Z., Amrullah, & Sudirman wilian. (2024). The Use of Photovoice Techniques to Explore Students’ Strategies in Learning English Vocabulary. Journal of Classroom Action Research, 6(2), 342–355.


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This study aimed to investigate the vocabulary learning strategies used by students in learning English vocabulary and students’ problems faced in learning English vocabulary , particularly those in the English Education Study Program. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The tools of data collection were Photovoice and Structured interviews. Researchers used thematic analysis for the study, here were steps of thematic analysis were Familiarizing with the data, Generating initial codes, Defining and Naming themes, and the last Producing the report.  Based on data analysis, research results show that this research found that students use strategies in learning English vocabulary. particularly those students tend to rely more heavily on the "Discovery dimension" strategy when learning new vocabulary. This strategy involves actively seeking out and discovering new words, than the "Consolidation dimension" strategy focuses on reinforcing and developing vocabulary once it has been learned. Using Photovoice, where students take photos to show their learning, gave insights into their strategy.  It also showed that spelling is the hardest part of learning vocabulary for them, while understanding the meaning is the easiest. So, understanding these challenges can help develop more effective teaching strategies for vocabulary learning


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Author Biographies

Nurul Sakinah, Universtitas Mataram

Boniesta Zulandha Melani, Universitas Mataram


Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Sakinah, Boniesta Zulandha Melani, Amrullah, Sudirman wilian

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