Teachers’ Perspective on Scientific Literacy in Science Learning: Descriptive Survey


Indra Budiman , Ida Kaniawati , Anna Permanasari , Iwa Lukmana






Vol. 7 No. SpecialIssue (2021): December


Science teacher, scientific literacy, science learning



How to Cite

Budiman, I., Kaniawati, I. ., Permanasari, A. ., & Lukmana, I. . (2021). Teachers’ Perspective on Scientific Literacy in Science Learning: Descriptive Survey. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 7(SpecialIssue), 218–224. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v7iSpecialIssue.1123


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Survey of questionnaire-based research was conducted to assess the perspective of junior high school (JHS) science teachers on scientific literacy in science learning. Four perspectives for teachers in JHS on scientific literacy were obtained from the research results of the experiments, namely the reading of scientific texts, scientific knowledge, the use of science in everyday life and the use of science-based learning tools. The majority of participants chose the response choice to train all students to apply science learning results in decision-making on daily life challenges. Thus, JHS Science Teachers in Purwakata Regency have a variety of scientific literacy perspectives, but there is no perspective that is considered outside the context of scientific literacy


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Author Biographies

Indra Budiman, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Ida Kaniawati, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung

Anna Permanasari, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung

Iwa Lukmana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung


Copyright (c) 2021 Indra Budiman, Ida Kaniawati, Anna Permanasari, Iwa Lukmana

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