Improving Students' Critical Thinking Skills Against Environmental Problems: Practicum Mini Project "Understanding Public Perceptions of Environmental Problems"


Yusuf Yusuf






Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): January


Critical thinking skills, Environmental problems, Mini project practicum

Research Articles


How to Cite

Yusuf, Y. (2022). Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Against Environmental Problems: Practicum Mini Project "Understanding Public Perceptions of Environmental Problems". Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(1), 209–215.


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The purpose of this research is to improve students' critical thinking skills towards environmental problems through mini-project practicum activities on the concept of understanding public perceptions of environmental problems. This research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach. The subjects in this study were Semester II class E students who took Environmental Science courses in the Even Semesters of the 2019/2020 Academic Year. The instrument used to measure critical thinking skills using indicators developed by Ennis are 1) Elementary, 2) Clarification Basic Support, 3) Inference, 4) Advanced Clarification, 5) Strategies and Tactics. Results The average critical thinking ability of 20 students is in the medium category (average score of 69.54). Of the 20 students, 10% were in the very high category, 30% in the high category, 25% in the medium category, and 35% in the low category. Indicators of students' critical thinking in 5 aspects, each of which has an average value that is in the medium category


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Author Biography

Yusuf Yusuf, Universitas Negeri Mataram


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