ICT Literacy Analysis of Junior High School Students Through Environmental Learning on Green Consumerism Using Padlet







Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022): July


ICT literacy, Environmental learning, Green consumerism, Padlet

Research Articles


How to Cite

Handayani, N. A., Rosana, D., Wilujeng, I., Sari, M. I. P., Nofianti, E., Az-Zahro, S. F., & Ramadhanti, D. (2022). ICT Literacy Analysis of Junior High School Students Through Environmental Learning on Green Consumerism Using Padlet. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(3), 1049–1054. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v8i3.1254


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Information and communication technology supports innovative learning and creates a learning environment to develop student competencies in the 21st century. Science learning that is integrated with ICT can equip students with ICT literacy as a provision for a future full of global competition. This study aims to analyze students' ICT literacy through learning the green consumerism environment with the help of Padlet. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method with a research sample of 32 students of grade VII SMPN 2 Bungkal taken by purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using interviews, questionnaires, and observation. Research instruments in the form of interviews, questionnaires, and observation sheets. The data analysis technique is a quantitative percentage to determine the category of students' ICT literacy. The results show that students' ICT literacy scores for each aspect are access 100% (very high), manage 96.88% (very high), integrate 87.5% (very high), evaluate 40.63% (very low), create 56.25% (low), and communicate 75.00% (medium). The average percentage of students' ICT literacy scores reached 76.06% in the high category. The results of this study can be used as a basis for developing integrated science learning materials with ICT to facilitate students' ICT literacy.


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Author Biographies

Novia Amarta Handayani, Yogyakarta State University

Master Program of Science Education

Dadan Rosana, Yogyakarta State University

Master Program of Science Education

Sinta ID : 5990577

Scopus ID : 57195052389

Staff site : Prof.Dr.Dadan Rosana,M.Si

Insih Wilujeng, Yogyakarta State University

Master Program of Science Education

Sinta ID : 5992675

Scopus ID : 56613477100

Staff site : Prof.Dr.Insih Wilujeng, M.Pd.

Mega Indah Puspita Sari, Yogyakarta State University

Master Program of Science Education

Erfin Nofianti, Yogyakarta State University

Master Program of Science Education

Siti Fatimah Az-Zahro, Yogyakarta State University

Master Program of Science Education

Desi Ramadhanti, Yogyakarta State University

Master Program of Science Education


Copyright (c) 2022 Novia Amarta Handayani, Dadan Rosana, Insih Wilujeng, Mega Indah Puspita Sari, Erfin Nofianti, Siti Fatimah Az-Zahro, Desi Ramadhanti

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