Analysis of Science Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students of Air Satan State Junior High School: Impact of Problem Based Learning Models


Hellen Anggraini , Ria Dwi Jayati , Harmoko Harmoko , Nur Hayati






Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022): July


Analysis, Junior High School, Learning outcomes, Natural science, Problem Based Learning

Research Articles


How to Cite

Anggraini, H. ., Jayati, R. D. ., Harmoko, H., & Hayati, N. . (2022). Analysis of Science Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students of Air Satan State Junior High School: Impact of Problem Based Learning Models. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(3), 1055–1060.


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Many students have not yet completed the science learning process, so there is no need for students to take part in the improvement program to meet the Minimum completion criteria. The purpose of this study was to analyze the science learning outcomes of VIII-grade students of Air Setan Middle School through the Problem Based Learning model. The design of this study used a design that was created pretest-posttest Group Design. Samples are taken at random (simple random sampling). Data collection techniques using essay questions, this test is done twice, namely before (pre-test) and followed (post-test) learning process. Data analysis techniques using the t-test, in using this t-test, both the experimental class and the control class data must be normal and have a homogeneous variant that is tested for normality and homogeneity before testing the hypothesis with the t-test. Learning outcomes using problem-based learning are better because this learning involves students solving problems, by means of their creative ideas and ideas, so students do not easily forget the lessons they have learned


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Author Biographies

Hellen Anggraini, PGRI Silampari, Lubuklinggau

Ria Dwi Jayati, PGRI Silampari, Lubuklinggau

Harmoko Harmoko, STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau

Nur Hayati, PGRI Silampari, Lubuklinggau


Copyright (c) 2022 Hellen Anggraini, Ria Dwi Jayati, Harmoko Harmoko, Nur Hayati

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