A Learning the Biology of Nyale Worms by A Video-Assisted Scientific Approach to Improve Critical Thinking Skills for Senior High School Students in Mataram







Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): April


Scientifi approach, Learning videos, Nyale worms, Critical thinking

Research Articles


How to Cite

Handayani, B. S., Bachtiar, I., Bahri, S. ., & Japa, L. (2022). A Learning the Biology of Nyale Worms by A Video-Assisted Scientific Approach to Improve Critical Thinking Skills for Senior High School Students in Mataram. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(2), 1018–1022. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v8i2.1398


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The research was carried out with the aim of knowing the effectiveness of the video-assisted scientific approach on students' critical thinking skills. The study used a quasi-experimental method. The research was carried out on high school students in the city of Mataram with a total sample of 323 as the research sample. Data Inferential analysis with Analysis of Covariance (ANACOVA) followed by Least Significance Difference (LSD), was used to test the research hypothesis. The results showed that the learning approach had a significant effect on learning activities with an F hit value of 60.37. The scientific approach is not significantly different from the video-assisted scientific approach, but is significantly different from the conventional approach with a mean value of 62.17 for video-assisted scientific approaches and an average of 64.69 and a conventional approach of 47.48. The video-assisted scientific approach improves students' critical thinking skills.


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Author Biographies

Baiq Sri Handayani, Universitas Mataram

Imam Bachtiar, University of Mataram

Syamsul Bahri, University of Mataram

Lalu Japa, University of Mataram


Copyright (c) 2022 Sri Handayani, Imam Bachtiar, Syamsul Bahri, Lalu Japa

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