Increasing Students' Creativity and Learning Outcomes on Substance Pressure Materials with The Mind Mapping Learning Method


Nurulwati Nurulwati , Putriana Putriana , Nurhayati Nurhayati , Susanna Susanna , Musdar Musdar






Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): March


Creativity, Learning Outcomes, Mind Mapping

Research Articles


How to Cite

Nurulwati, N., Putriana, P., Nurhayati, N., Susanna, S., & Musdar, M. (2023). Increasing Students’ Creativity and Learning Outcomes on Substance Pressure Materials with The Mind Mapping Learning Method. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(3), 987–992.


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Science is one of the subjects that is still considered difficult for students to understand so students' mastery of concepts in the learning process is still lacking which causes low creativity and student learning outcomes. This study aims to determine the increase in creativity and learning outcomes of students on substance pressure material with the Mind Mapping learning method. This type of research is quantitative and descriptive using the Pre-Experimental method (One Group Pretest-Posttest Design). This research was conducted at MTsN 6 Kuta Baro East Aceh class VIII-3 with a sample of 20 students, sampling using the purposive sampling technique. The instruments used are observation sheets and test questions. The data analysis technique used is the N-gain test for learning outcomes and the percentage for creativity. The results showed that there was an increase in students' creativity and learning outcomes on the material pressure of substances using the Mind Mapping learning method. The increase in creativity of class VIII-3 students in making Mind Maps is included in the category of very good criteria, from 10% to 50%. The improvement of student learning outcomes in class VIII-3 based on the N-gain test is in the medium category, namely 0.7; 0.45; and 0.3


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Author Biographies

Nurulwati Nurulwati, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Putriana Putriana, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Nurhayati Nurhayati, UIN Ar- Raniry

Susanna Susanna, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Musdar Musdar, Universitas Serambi Mekkah


Copyright (c) 2023 Nurulwati Nurulwati, Putriana Putriana, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Susanna Susanna, Musdar Musdar

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