Application of Problem-Based Worksheet on Hydrocarbon Combustion Materials through E-Learning to Enhance Student’s Learning Outcomes and Enviromental Care Attitude


Zulyati Zulyati , Sulastri Sulastri , Cut Nurmalia , Yusrizal Yusrizal , Hasan Hasan






Vol. 8 No. 6 (2022): December


e-learning, Peoblem Based Worksheet, Learning Outcome, Enviromental Care Attitude

Research Articles


How to Cite

Zulyati, Z., Sulastri, S., Nurmalia, C. ., Yusrizal, Y., & Hasan, H. (2022). Application of Problem-Based Worksheet on Hydrocarbon Combustion Materials through E-Learning to Enhance Student’s Learning Outcomes and Enviromental Care Attitude . Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(6), 2883–2887.


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The purpose of this research is for investigating student’s learning outcomes and environmental care attitude of hydrocarbon combustion by applying problem-based worksheet through e-learning. This research used quantitative method with one group pretest-postest design. The sample of this research is the XI MIPA students totalling 29 students. The instrument used of this research was multiple choices test and questionnaire non-test. The data of this research were analysed by using t-test. Based on the analysis result is obtained, there is an enhancement in the average score of students’ abilities from 43.10 become 71.50 and there is a significant difference of student learning outcome after applying problem-based worksheet based on the t-test result, where t-count 25.65 > t-table 1.65. Futhermore, there is also an enhancement on environmental care attitude from 62.54 to 79.95 with N-gain is 47.63 in the medium category. The average score of environmental care attitude for indicators, 1) the attitude towards energy has enhanced from 57.99% to 70.35% with N-gain average is 30.44% in the medium category., 2) the attitude towards humans and environment from 57.29 become 80.84% with N-gain average is 53.24% in the medium category., 3) the attitude towards water from 58.31% to 66.67% with N-gain average is 20.09 in the medium category., 4) Wast management from 54.82% to 60.99% with N-gain average 11.50% in the low medium. Consequently, based on the result is obtained, there is an enhancement of student learning outcome and environmental care attitude by applying problem-based worksheet on the hydrocarbon combustions material through e-learning


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Author Biographies

Zulyati Zulyati, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Sulastri Sulastri, Syah Kuala University

Cut Nurmalia, Syah Kuala University

Yusrizal Yusrizal, Syah Kuala University

Hasan Hasan, Syah Kuala University


Copyright (c) 2022 Zulyati Zulyati, Sulastri Sulastri, Cut Nurmalia, Yusrizal Yusrizal, Hasan Hasan

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