Performance of Shallots (Allium Ascalonicum L) in Peat Soil with Organic Fertilizer and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF)


Riki Warman , Putri Tria Santari , Nofrita Sandi






Vol. 8 No. SpecialIssue (2022): December


Red onion, Dose, Peat, Mycorrhiza, Organic fertilizer



How to Cite

Warman, R. ., Santari, P. T., & Sandi, N. . (2022). Performance of Shallots (Allium Ascalonicum L) in Peat Soil with Organic Fertilizer and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) . Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(SpecialIssue), 58–66.


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Peat soil has the potential and is widely available to be used for shallot cultivation with good and proper management, peat land is classified as marginal land for various types of plants because the soil condition is saturated with water, reacts acidic and contains toxic organic acids and low nutrient status so the condition of plant root media that is not conducive to root development so that it becomes a limiting factor in shallot cultivation. Efforts to increase peatland productivity for shallot cultivation can be carried out by adding organic fertilizers and using rhizosphere microorganisms such as Abuscular Mycorrhizal  Fungi (AMF), this study aims to get a dose of organic fertilizer and AMF which can increase shallot production on peat soil. The research method used a separate experimental design (Split Plot) Completely Randomized Design  which consisted of 2 factors, namely: AMF treatment (M) main plot consisting of 2 levels (without AMF application and AMF application), the second factor was the dose of organic fertilizer (O) child plot consisting of 6 levels (0 tons ha-1 , 3 tons ha-1, 6 tons ha-1, 9 tons ha-1, 12 tons ha-1 and 15 tons ha-1) there were 12 treatments each repeated 3 times, which was carried out in January-April 2021 in Pontianak City with the parameters of observing plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers, harvested dry tuber weight, harvested dry plant weight and tuber diameter. and the number of leaves, while the AMF treatment independently had a significant effect on the observation of the number of tillers, the weight of harvested dry tubers, the weight of harvested dry plants and the treatment of organic fertilizer with a dose of 3 tons h-1 showed good results because they were not significantly different from the required mines 15, 12 and 6 tons ha-1 .


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Author Biographies

Riki Warman, Pusat Riset Hortikultura dan Perkebunan Badan Riset Inovasi Nasional, Bogor 16915

Tanah gambut berpotensi dan tersedia cukup luas untuk dimanfaatkan untuk budidaya bawang merah dengan pengelolaan yang baik dan tepat, lahan gambut tergolong lahan marjinal untuk berbagai jenis tanaman karena kondisi lahan yang jenuh air, bereaksi masam dan mengandung asam organik yang beracun serta status unsur hara rendah sehingga kondisi media perakaran tanaman yang kurang kondusif bagi perkembangan akar sehingga menjadi factor pembatas dlaam budidaya bawang merah,  Upaya meningkatkan produktivitas lahan gambut untuk budidaya bawang merah dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan pupuk organik serta pengunaan mikroorganisme rhizosfer seperti Fungi Mikoriza Abuskular (FMA), penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis pupuk organik dan FMA yang dapat meningkatkan produksi bawang merah di tanah gambut. Metode penelitian mengunakan rancangan percobaan terpisah (Split Plot) RAL yang terdiri dari 2 faktor yaitu: perlakuan FMA (M) petak utama terdiri 2 taraf (tanpa aplikasi FMA dan aplikasi FMA), faktor kedua dosis pupuk organik (O) anak petak terdiri 6 taraf (0 ton ha-1 , 3 ton ha-1, 6 ton ha-1, 9 ton ha-1, 12 ton ha-1 dan 15 ton ha-1) terdapat 12 perlakuan setiap di ulang 3 kali, yang dilaksanakan pada Januari-April 2021 di Kota Pontianak dengan parameter pengamatan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah anakan, bobot umbi kering panen, bobot tanaman kering panen dan diameter umbi,  Hasil penelitian perlakuan pupuk organik, FMA dan interaksi keduanya berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap semua periode pengamatan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun, sedangkan perlakuan FMA secara Mandiri berpengaruh nyata terhadap pengamatan jumlah anakan, bobot umbi kering panen, bobot tanaman kering panen dan perlakuan pupuk organik dosis 3 ton h -1 menunjukan hasil yang baik kerena berbeda tidak nyata dengan perlakuan 15, 12 dan 6 ton ha -1

Putri Tria Santari, Pusat Riset Tanaman Pangan Badan Riset Inovasi Nasional, Bogor 16911

Nofrita Sandi, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas, Padang 25163


Copyright (c) 2022 Riki Warman, Putri Tria Santari, Nofrita Sandi

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