Literature Study: Utilization of the PjBL Model in Science Education to Improve Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills


Zulyusri Zulyusri , Ida Elfira , Lufri Lufri , Tomi Apra Santosa






Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): January


Literature studies, Project-Based Learning, Thinking critically and creatively

Research Articles


How to Cite

Zulyusri, Z., Elfira, I. ., Lufri, L., & Santosa, T. A. . (2023). Literature Study: Utilization of the PjBL Model in Science Education to Improve Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(1), 133–143.


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The objective of this writing audit is to look at different pieces of writing about how project-based learning can help students think more creatively and critically. The survey on writing found that project-based learning can help students think more critically and creatively. For research, a narrative review design is used in a literature review. Over the course of five years, 19 scientific articles from national and international journals were used in this study. Reliable sources, the quality of the research process, the quality of delivering information, and the completeness of the information are some of the validation criteria for scientific articles. Simplifying, displaying, drawing conclusions, and verifying data are all part of the qualitative analysis model of Miles and Huberman's method for presenting tabular data. The writing survey uncovers that project-based learning strategies can upgrade understudies' basic and imaginative reasoning abilities in science acquiring. The syntax of the project-based learning method be able to assist students in optimizing their creative and critical mindsets by starting learning with essential questions, working together to plan, developing project completion schedules, timelines, and deadlines


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Author Biographies

Zulyusri Zulyusri, Universitas Negeri Padang

Lufri Lufri, Padang State University

Tomi Apra Santosa, Padang State University


Copyright (c) 2023 Zulyusri Zulyusri, Ida Elfira, Lufri; Tomi Apra Santosa

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