The Validity of Coffee Cocoa Local Wisdom-Based Digital Modules In Senior High School


Singgih Bektiarso , Lailatul Nuraini , Alex Harijanto , Subiki , Maryani , Sekar Langit Dwi Arini , Balya Aulia Assiddiqi






Vol. 9 No. 7 (2023): July


Aspect of validity, Local Wisdom, Coffee-Cocoa, Digital Module

Research Articles


How to Cite

Bektiarso, S. ., Nuraini, L., Harijanto, A. ., Subiki, Maryani, Arini, S. L. D. ., & Assiddiqi, B. A. . (2023). The Validity of Coffee Cocoa Local Wisdom-Based Digital Modules In Senior High School. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(7), 5182–5191.


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This study aims to analyze the validity aspects of a digital module based on the local wisdom of cocoa coffee that has been developed. The research method used is the R and D (Research and Development) research method with the Four-D development model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). In the 4D development stage, in the Develop section, module development and validation activities are carried out by three media and material experts. The data collection technique used a validation questionnaire. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis. The validation results for each aspect are 86.06% construct validation, 91.11% content validation, and 87.78% language validation, and these three aspects are in the very good category. The overall validation results show that the digital module based on local wisdom of cocoa coffee reaches a validity score of 88.32% which is in the very good category and is feasible to use. Thus, it can be concluded that the digital module based on the local wisdom of cocoa coffee can then be used in the physics learning process in high school as an alternative solution for innovative learning resources based on local wisdom.


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Author Biographies

Singgih Bektiarso, University of Jember

Lailatul Nuraini, university of jember

Alex Harijanto, University of Jember

Subiki, University of Jember

Maryani, University of Jember

Sekar Langit Dwi Arini, University of Jember

Balya Aulia Assiddiqi, University of Jember


Copyright (c) 2023 Singgih Bektiarso, Lailatul Nuraini, Alex Harijanto, Subiki, Maryani, Sekar Langit Dwi Arini, Balya Aulia Assiddiqi

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