The Effect of Using Instagram Learning Media on Student Learning Outcomes Using the Discovery Learning Model on Reaction Rate Material


Inka Pungky Rahmawati , Sri Yamtinah , Suryadi Budi Utomo , Hayuni Retno Widarti , Ari Syahidul Shidiq






Vol. 9 No. 4 (2023): April


Chemistry, Discovery, Instagram, Outcomes

Research Articles


How to Cite

Rahmawati, I. P., Yamtinah, S. ., Utomo, S. B. ., Widarti, H. R. ., & Shidiq, A. S. . (2023). The Effect of Using Instagram Learning Media on Student Learning Outcomes Using the Discovery Learning Model on Reaction Rate Material. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(4), 1805–1812.


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In Era 4.0, the development of media and learning processes, such as using Instagram as a learning media, is required to make learning more meaningful. This is due to the fact that Instagram is a prominent social media network with over 400 million members. Learning models that can accommodate the skills required in the twenty-first century must be used to make learning more relevant. The discovery learning model is one of them. As a result, this study aims to evaluate the effect of using Instagram learning media on student learning outcomes using the discovery learning model on reaction rate material. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study, with an experimental class of 36 students and a control class of 36 students. This study employed ten multiple-choice questions in the pre-test and post-test to measure student learning outcomes. The N-Gain and Wilcoxon tests were then performed. The study findings demonstrate that employing Instagram learning media using the discovery learning model influences increasing student learning outcomes.


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Author Biographies

Inka Pungky Rahmawati, Chemistry Education Study Program

Sri Yamtinah, Sebelas Maret Univesity

Suryadi Budi Utomo, Sebelas Maret Univesity

Hayuni Retno Widarti, Unversitas Negeri Malang

Ari Syahidul Shidiq, Sebelas Maret Univesity


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