Problematika Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar


Yuliana Wahyu , Ambros Leonangung Edu , Mikael Nardi






Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): January


Problematics, Science learning media, elementary school

Research Articles


How to Cite

Wahyu, Y., Edu, A. L., & Nardi, M. (2020). Problematika Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 6(1), 107–112.


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This study aims to describe the availability and use of science learning media in class 6th of Catholic private elementary schools at Langke Rembong District. This research method is in the form of a survey that focuses on two things, namely the availability and use of science learning media. The study was conducted to all the science teachers in class 6th totaling 46 teachers as a population, then the data were only taken from 23 teachers as a sample selected purposively. Instruments used were questionnaires, checklists, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the availability of science learning media in those schools were sufficient. However, many media were in damaged conditions. Those happened because they were stored, not used. Most teachers were not trained to use that media and had no initiative to solve the problem. Therefore, in terms of utilization, only good media is utilized to its full potential.


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Author Biographies

Yuliana Wahyu, Universitas Katolik Indonesia (Unika) Santu Paulus Ruteng, Flores, NTT

Dosen Prodi PGSD Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng

Ambros Leonangung Edu, Program Studi PGSD Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia

Mikael Nardi, Program Studi PGSD Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia


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