Multiple Scaffolding STEAM Project-Based Learning Model In Science Learning


Ni Luh Ida Mareta Yanti , Wayan Redhana , Wayan Suastra






Vol. 9 No. 8 (2023): August


Achievement Motivation, Critical Thinking Skills, Multiple Scaffolding, PjBL-STEAM, Project based learning

Research Articles


How to Cite

Yanti, N. L. I. M. ., Redhana, W. ., & Suastra, W. . (2023). Multiple Scaffolding STEAM Project-Based Learning Model In Science Learning. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(8), 6493–6502.


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Higher order thinking skills (HOTs) are skills needed to face the 21st century. This research aims to (1) analyze simultaneously the differences in learning outcomes, critical thinking skills, and achievement motivation of students who learn using the PjBL-STEAM model assisted by multiple scaffolding and the PjBL model in science learning, (2) analyze the differences in learning outcomes of students who learning using the PjBL-STEAM model assisted by multiple scaffolding and the PjBL model in science learning, (3) analyzing differences in critical thinking skills of students who learn using the PjBL-STEAM model assisted by multiple scaffolding and the PjBL model in science learning, (4) analyzing differences in achievement motivation students who learn to use the PjBL-STEAM model assisted by multiple scaffolding and the PjBL model in science learning. This research is a quantitative research with nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling with the sample size consisting of 159 students in classes VII A, VII B, VII D, and VII F at SMP Negeri 5 Denpasar. The research instruments used were learning achievement tests, critical thinking skills tests and achievement motivation questionnaires. Data analysis used Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA). Hypothesis testing is carried out using a significance level of 5%, hypothesis testing is carried out after assumption testing (normality test, variance homogeneity test, variance covariance homogeneity test, linearity test, multicollinearity test, regression line slope homogeneity test). Based on the data analysis, the research results show that (1) there are simultaneous differences in learning outcomes, critical thinking skills, and achievement motivation of students who learn using the PjBL-STEAM model assisted by multiple scaffolding and the PjBL model in science learning, (2) there are differences in the learning outcomes of students who learn using the PjBL-STEAM model assisted by multiple scaffolding and the PjBL model in science learning, (3) there are differences in the critical thinking skills of students who learn using the PjBL-STEAM model assisted by multiple scaffolding and the PjBL model in science learning, (4) differences in the achievement motivation of students who learn using the PjBL-STEAM model assisted by multiple scaffolding and the PjBL model in science learning


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Author Biographies

Ni Luh Ida Mareta Yanti, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Wayan Redhana, Ganesha University of Education

Wayan Suastra, Ganesha University of Education


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