Analysis the Use of Gempur 480 SL Chemicals on the Mortality of Weed Types


Simon Sidabukke , Rozalina , Wahyunita Sitinjak , Jonni Sinaga






Vol. 9 No. 10 (2023): October


Chemicals, Gempur 480 SL, Mortality of Weed

Research Articles


How to Cite

Sidabukke, . S., Rozalina, R., Sitinjak, W. ., & Sinaga, J. . (2023). Analysis the Use of Gempur 480 SL Chemicals on the Mortality of Weed Types. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(10), 9013–9019.


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This study aims to determine the types of weeds that can be controlled or destroyed using the chemical Gempur 480 SL at PT. Toba Pulp Lestari Estate Tele. The method used in this research is a field survey method at 3 different masl by means of purposive sampling. Based on the research that has been done, it shows that the treatment of weed types found in Estate Tele is dominated by sedge weeds such as Cyperus rotundus and broad leaf weeds such as Boreria latifolia, Climedia hirta and Melastoma malabathtricum, while narrow leaf weeds such as Petridium (elephant fern), Stenochlaena (Vegetable ferns), Dicranopteris linearis (Wire ferns) are relatively few compared to sedge weeds and broadleaf weeds. The use of the concentration of the hebicide Gempur 480 SL of 1.25% can suppress weed growth where the percentage of dead weeds is higher. Weeding rounds have a significant effect on the percentage of weeds that die and the percentage of weeds that don't die. The highest percentage of weeds that died was in Weeding Round 3 (WR3). The interaction of herbicide concentrations and weeding rounds had a significant effect on the percentage of live weeds and the percentage of weeds that were not alive. The increase in the percentage of dead weeds will increase with the increasing concentration of the herbicide Gempur 480 SL, especially if the increased concentration of the herbicide Gempur is combined with Weeding Round 2 (WR2).


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Author Biographies

Simon Sidabukke, Simalungun University

Rozalina, Simalungun University

Wahyunita Sitinjak, Simalungun University

Jonni Sinaga, Simalungun University


Copyright (c) 2023 Simon Sidabukke, Rozalina, Wahyunita Sitinjak, Jonni Sinaga

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