Introduction and Use of Plants as Medicine for the People at Gampong Limpok, Aceh Besar District


Abdullah , Yuri Gagarin , Zulfikar , Cut Nurmaliah , Muhammad Rusdi , Durrah Hayati , Ulfa Hansri Ar Rasyid , Devi Syafrianti






Vol. 9 No. 9 (2023): September


Traditional medicine, Use of plants, Village community

Research Articles


How to Cite

Abdullah, A., Gagarin, Y., Zulfikar, Z., Nurmaliah, C. ., Rusdi, M. ., Hayati, D. ., … Syafrianti, D. . (2023). Introduction and Use of Plants as Medicine for the People at Gampong Limpok, Aceh Besar District. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(9), 7361–7366.


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The use of medicinal plants in society has existed since ancient times as a method of traditional medicine. The general public often lacks adequate education and information about the correct and safe use of medicinal plants. This can result in incorrect use and higher health risks. The aim of this research is to carry out more in-depth scientific research, implement strict regulations, provide education to the public, and promote sustainable and responsible practices of using medicinal plants. This research was conducted in July, 2023 in Gampong (Village) Limpok, Aceh Besar District. Research using descriptive qualitative method. Community data collection by interview, observation and documentation methods. The results of the study can be concluded that there are 32 plant species from the inventory that have long been used by the Gampong Limpok community as medicinal plants. Despite the potential benefits, there are also challenges and barriers that can arise in the community use of medicinal plants.


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Author Biographies

Abdullah, University of Syiah Kuala

Yuri Gagarin, Research Center for Elephant Conservation and Biodiversity Forest (PKGB) University of Syiah Kuala

Zulfikar, University of Syiah Kuala

Cut Nurmaliah, University of Syiah Kuala

Muhammad Rusdi, University of Syiah Kuala

Durrah Hayati, University of Syiah Kuala

Ulfa Hansri Ar Rasyid, University of Syiah Kuala

Devi Syafrianti, University of Syiah Kuala


Copyright (c) 2023 Abdullah, Yuri Gagarin, Zulfikar, Cut Nurmaliah, Muhammad Rusdi, Durrah Hayati, Ulfa Hansri Ar Rasyid, Devi Syafrianti

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