Analysis of the Use of Antibiotic Therapy in Surgical Patients at Royal Prima Marelan Hospital


Nurul Apla Wizaya Syahputri , Ermi Girsang , Ali Napiah Nasution






Vol. 9 No. 12 (2023): December


Antibiotics, Quantity of antibiotic use, Quality of antibiotic use, Surgical patients

Research Articles


How to Cite

Syahputri, N. A. W. ., Girsang, E. ., & Napiah Nasution, A. (2023). Analysis of the Use of Antibiotic Therapy in Surgical Patients at Royal Prima Marelan Hospital. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(12), 11808–11817.


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The use of antibiotics in surgical patients aims to reduce Surgical Site Infection (SSI) so that it can reduce the number of patient admissions to hospital. Fully used antibiotics in patient’s cancontributes to the spread of antibiotic resistance, so it is necessary to evaluate the use of antibiotics in hospitals.Quantitative and qualitative assessment of antibiotic use is an important metric in evaluating rational antibiotic prescribing and controlling drug resistance. This study aims to evaluate the use of antibiotics in surgical patients at Royal Prima Marelan Hospital based on assessing the quantity and quality of use. This research is a retrospective study using an observational-analytic design using a quantitative and qualitative approach with secondary data referring to the medical records of 200 surgical patients who received antibiotic therapy and were treated at the Royal Prima Marelan Hospital in the period June - November 2022. Quantitative analysis was carried out using the method ATC/DDD and qualitative analysis using Gyssens criteria. Correlation analysis uses the contingency coefficient statistical test. The results of the quantity of antibiotic use show that the total DDD/100 patient-days value is 77.6 and the quality of antibiotic use using the Gyssens criteria is appropriate/rational, with the most widely used antibiotic being ceftriaxone and the majority of patients' length of stay being ≤ 7 days. This research shows that age (p=0.761), gender (p=0.920), and quality of antibiotic use (p=0.610) do not correlate with length of stay in surgical patients at Royal Prima Marelan Hospital for the period June - November 2022.


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Author Biographies

Nurul Apla Wizaya Syahputri, Universitas Prima Indonesia

Ermi Girsang, Universitas Prima Indonesia

Ali Napiah Nasution, Universitas Prima Indonesia


Copyright (c) 2023 Nurul Apla Wizaya Syahputri, Ermi Girsang, Ali Napiah Nasution

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