Analysis of SAVI Learning Model with the Task of Observation of Video on Science Learning in Producing Analytical Thinking and Critical Thinking Abilities


Deni Nasir Ahmad






Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): January


SAVI, Science Learning, Video, Critical Thinking, Analytical Thinking

Research Articles


How to Cite

Ahmad, D. N. (2021). Analysis of SAVI Learning Model with the Task of Observation of Video on Science Learning in Producing Analytical Thinking and Critical Thinking Abilities. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 7(1), 121–128.


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The aim of the researcher is to find out how much change in learning outcomes (analytical thinking and critical thinking skills) by using the SAVI learning model with the assignment learning method using the learning media of science learning video recordings that have been prepared by the researcher. The method used in this research is quantitative research with quasi-experimental research methods in managing research data using the t-test and to see if there is a linear relationship, the researcher tests the hypothetical pre-test before testing the hypothesis or t-test. The results of the study were that there was no indirect relationship between the SAVI learning model and the science learning video observation task on analytical thinking skills and there was a relationship between the SAVI learning model and the science learning video observation task on critical thinking skills. It can be concluded that the Somatic, Audiotorist, Visual and Intelligence (SAVI) learning model can improve and help develop critical thinking skills while improving and developing analytical thinking skills requires learning stages that emphasize an initial or previous learning experience in learning when using the model SAVI learning


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