Legendre Polynomials are Associated in the Schrodinger Polar Equation of Helium Ions


Bambang Supriadi , Eryna Dwicahyaning Krisnawanto , Ratih Wahyudianti , Mohammad Fathorrosi , Muhammad Najih Hamdi , Eka Citra Rahayu , Haniyah Alivia






Vol. 10 No. 5 (2024): May


Helium ion, Legendre polynomial, Schrodinger equation

Research Articles


How to Cite

Supriadi, B., Krisnawanto, E. D., Wahyudianti, R., Fathorrosi, M., Hamdi, M. N., Rahayu, E. C., & Alivia, H. (2024). Legendre Polynomials are Associated in the Schrodinger Polar Equation of Helium Ions . Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(5), 2736–2744. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v10i5.5913


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The helium ion is one of the ions classified as a hydrogenic atom because it has only one electron in its outer orbital so that the helium ion problem can be solved using the Schrodinger equation approach. The Schrodinger equation of the polar part of the helium ion can be solved by the associated legendary polynomial function, . The polar function expresses the angle formed by the vector of the electron's position relative to the z-axis of the helium ion's nuclear position. And it is produced that the polar function of the hydrogenic atom has the same polar function both in position space and in momentum space .


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Author Biographies

Bambang Supriadi, Jember University

Eryna Dwicahyaning Krisnawanto, Jember University

Ratih Wahyudianti, Jember University

Mohammad Fathorrosi, Jember University

Muhammad Najih Hamdi, Jember University

Eka Citra Rahayu, Jember University

Haniyah Alivia, Jember University


Copyright (c) 2024 Bambang Supriadi, Eryna Dwicahyaning Krisnawanto, Ratih Wahyudianti, Mohammad Fathorrosi, Muhammad Najih Hamdi, Eka Citra Rahayu, Haniyah Alivia

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