Comparison of Rendement, Viscosity, and Degree of Acidity of Bone Gelatin of Bali Cattle Fed with Lamtoro at Different Extraction Temperatures


Hasma , Muhamad Ali , Dahlanuddin , Made Sriasih , Wayan Wariata , Yuny Erwanto , Rafif Umar Faruq , Tina Vidya Mariska , Nadira Husaefa






Vol. 10 No. 4 (2024): April


Cattle bones, Extraction, Gelatin, Lamtoro feed

Research Articles


How to Cite

Hasma, H., Ali, M., Dahlanuddin, D., Sriasih, M., Wariata, W., Erwanto, Y., … Husaefa, N. (2024). Comparison of Rendement, Viscosity, and Degree of Acidity of Bone Gelatin of Bali Cattle Fed with Lamtoro at Different Extraction Temperatures. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(4), 2170–2175.


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The increase in Bali cattle bone waste due to increased slaughter has become a severe societal problem because it will pollute the environment. If Bali cattle bone waste is appropriately processed, it will produce products with high nutritional and economic value, including gelatin. This research aimed to compare the yield, viscosity, and degree of acidity (pH) of bone gelatin from Bali cattle fed with lamtoro at different extraction temperatures. The gelatin from Bali cattle bone was produced under the influence of different extraction temperatures of 50; 60; and 70o C and each was repeated 4 times. The research method used was laboratory experimental. Data were analyzed using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The parameters observed were yield, pH, and viscosity. The results show that different extraction temperatures (50, 60, 70o C) had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on viscosity while a very significant effect (P < 0.01) on the degree of acidity (pH) and no significant effect (P > 0.05) to the yield. It can be concluded that a higher extraction temperature (70o C) will be accompanied by an increase in gelatin yield, but the extraction temperature of 60o C showed the maximum viscosity and acidity (pH) values


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Author Biographies

Hasma, Universitas Mataram

Muhamad Ali, University of Mataram

Dahlanuddin, University of Mataram

Made Sriasih, University of Mataram

Wayan Wariata, University of Mataram

Yuny Erwanto, University of Mataram

Rafif Umar Faruq, University of Mataram

Tina Vidya Mariska, University of Mataram

Nadira Husaefa, University of Mataram


Copyright (c) 2024 Hasma, Muhamad Ali, Dahlanuddin, Made Sriasih, Wayan Wariata, Yuny Erwanto, Rafif Umar Faruq, Tina Vidya Mariska, Nadira Husaefa

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