Utilization of Local Micro Organisms (LMO) in Making Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) by Utilizing Vegetable Waste
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2025): In ProgressKeywords:
Liquid organic fertilizer, Local micro organisms, Vegetable wasteResearch Articles
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This study aims to analyse the Nitrogen and pH levels of liquid organic fertiliser (LOF) made using microlocal organisms (LMO) based on vegetable waste. The method used was an experimental method through a fermentation process carried out at the Center for Standardisation and Industrial Pollution Prevention Services (BBSPJPPI). The results showed that the LOF produced had a Nitrogen content of 0.03% and a pH of 3, which did not meet the quality standards of liquid organic fertiliser in Indonesia, namely Nitrogen content of 2-6% and a neutral to slightly acidic pH (5-7). The low Nitrogen content is due to the Nitrogen-poor composition of the vegetable waste, while the overly acidic pH is due to the prolonged fermentation time, which triggers the formation of organic acid compounds. To improve the quality of LOF, optimisation is needed in the selection of raw materials, fermentation ratio, and control of fermentation parameters such as time and temperature. This research provides recommendations for the development of higher-quality LOFs that comply with national standards.
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Author Biographies
Irfan Ihza Wardana, Semarang State University
Indri Purwaningsih, Semarang State University
Pramesti Dewi, Semarang State University
Dewi Mustikaningtyas, Semarang State University
Copyright (c) 2025 Irfan Ihza Wardana, Indri Purwaningsih, Pramesti Dewi, Dewi Mustikaningtyas

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