Growth and Performance of Melon (Cucumis melo L) in Respect of Payments and Fruit Trimming


Narita Amni Rosadi , Rosalina Edy Swandayani , Baiq Inggar Linggarweni






Vol. 10 No. 4 (2024): April


Biofertilizer, Growth and production of melon, Pruning

Research Articles


How to Cite

Rosadi, N. A., Swandayani, R. E., & Linggarweni, B. I. (2024). Growth and Performance of Melon (Cucumis melo L) in Respect of Payments and Fruit Trimming. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(4), 1989–1993.


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This study used a completely randomized design (CRD), factorial with 2 intervention factors: M0 = 0 g/tree, M1 = 40 g/tree, M2 = 80 /tree. The second factor of fruit pruning (P), P0 = no size, P1 = remaining 1 fruit, P2 = remaining two fruits. This study was organized according to a 3x3 factorial design. Treatments were repeated three times and resulted in 27 experiments. The parameters observed included: Tree height, number of leaves, number of flowers, fruit weight, fruit diameter. Observation of plant growth will be done within 7 days after planting. Analysis using variance fingerprints. If there are significant differences between treatments, do the BNJ test at the 5% level. From the results of the analysis of variance in the table above shows that the application of organic fertilizer does not give a real effect on the height of the tree at the age of 70 hst, the number of leaves, fruit weight and diameter. Pruning treatment gives a real effect on the parameters of plant height after 70 days of planting, but does not give a real effect on the number of leaves, fruit weight and diameter


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Author Biographies

Narita Amni Rosadi, Universitas Islam Al Azhar

Rosalina Edy Swandayani, Universitas Islam Al-Azhar

Baiq Inggar Linggarweni, Universitas Islam Al-Azhar


Copyright (c) 2024 Narita Amni Rosadi, Rosalina Edy Swandayani, Baiq Inggar Linggarweni

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