Design of Prototype of Solar Power Based Waste Water Treatment Plant


Djusdil Akrim , Ahmad Swandi , Muhammad Fikruddin Buraerah , Andi Irwandi , Syahrul Sariman , Hamsina






Vol. 10 No. 6 (2024): June


Solar power plants, Waste water treatment plants (WWTP)

Research Articles


How to Cite

Akrim, D., Swandi, A., Buraerah, M. F., Irwandi, A., Sariman, S., & Hamsina. (2024). Design of Prototype of Solar Power Based Waste Water Treatment Plant. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(6), 3072–3079.


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This research aims to find out an overview of the prototype solar power-based Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), the component requirements of the PLTS system as an energy source for the WWTP, and level of efficiency in using solar power plants in IPAL operations. The type of research used is experimental research. Based on the research results a prototype solar power-based IPAL system has been produced with a capacity of 800 liters per hour or 11,200 liters per day (14 operational hours) with a Biotech/biofilter type modified by adding a water filter after the chloronization process. Besides of that, a source of electrical energy for all electrical components of the WWTP with a solar panel and battery capacity of 200 wattpeak and 100 Ah respectively. The efficiency level of the solar panels used reached 88.36% at 12.00 (very sunny weather conditions) with input power above output power in the range 09.00-16.00. With this efficiency, electrical energy can be stored to operate the WWTP at night.


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Author Biographies

Djusdil Akrim, Universitas Bosowa

Ahmad Swandi, Universitas Bosowa

Muhammad Fikruddin Buraerah, Universitas Bosowa

Andi Irwandi, Universitas Bosowa

Syahrul Sariman, Universitas Bosowa

Hamsina, Universitas Bosowa


Copyright (c) 2024 Djusdil Akrim, Ahmad Swandi, Muhammad Fikruddin Buraerah, Andi Irwandi, Syahrul Sariman, Hamsina

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