Machine Learning Predicts the Level of Disease Spread


Dhio Saputra , Irzal Arief Wisky , Sarjon Defit






Vol. 10 No. 4 (2024): April


Decision tree, Machine learning, Naive bayes, Spread of disease

Research Articles


How to Cite

Saputra, D., Wisky, I. A., & Defit, S. (2024). Machine Learning Predicts the Level of Disease Spread. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(4), 1714–1722.


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The aim of the research is predictive analysis of the spread of disease. Variable analysis at the population level in a region and the total disease events detected in the community. These variables can show the accuracy and certainty of the status of the resulting analysis. The concept of Machine Learning analysis is proposed to develop previous analysis models. The methods used include the K-Means cluster, Naïve Bayes, and Decision Tree (DT). There are two stages in the analysis process: pre-processing and classification. The discussion presented by K-Means provides a classification analysis pattern. The patterns obtained will be passed on to the classification process using Naïve Bayes and DT. Naïve Bayes results provide quite significant results with an accuracy rate of 83.33%. DT can also describe the results of information and knowledge analysis in the form of decision trees. DT produces decision trees that can provide knowledge and information analysis. The DT results provide an accuracy rate of 91.76% so these results can be used as consideration in decision making. The resulting information and knowledge can be used as a guide in making policies for handling health in the community.


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Author Biographies

Dhio Saputra, Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Irzal Arief Wisky, Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Sarjon Defit, Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang


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