Weed Biology and Ecology Studies: Diversity, Dominance and Prediction of Yield Loss of Corn (Zea mays L.) Due to Broadleaf Weeds Competition in Dryland


I Ketut Ngawit , I Wayan Sudika , I Wayan Suana






Vol. 10 No. 5 (2024): May


Broadleaf weeds, Competition, Competitiveness, Diversity, Yield loss

Research Articles


How to Cite

Ngawit, I. K., Sudika, I. W., & Suana, I. W. (2024). Weed Biology and Ecology Studies: Diversity, Dominance and Prediction of Yield Loss of Corn (Zea mays L.) Due to Broadleaf Weeds Competition in Dryland. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(5), 2879–2890. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v10i5.7229



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The aim of the research was to determine the diversity, distribution, dominance, and yield loss of corn due to competition from broadleaf weeds. Descriptive research method with direct survey techniques of research objects. Data were collected using 10 sample plots measuring 1 m2, which were placed using random sampling. Observation parameters include the population and dry biomass weight of weeds and corn. The data was analyzed descriptively and comparatively by calculating density, frequency, and dominance to obtain an important value index and summation diminance ratio (SDR). The results of the research showed that 14 species of broad-leaved weeds were found with high species diversity, distribution, dominance, and abundance indices. The competitiveness and relative weighted dominance of six weed species, namely Amaranthus spinusus, Amaranthus gracilis, Synedrella nodiliflora, Acalypha indica, Ageratum conyzoides, and Alternanthera philoxeroides, are higher than those of other weed species, causing corn yield losses of 5.56%–21.90%. Therefore, these six weed species must be controlled. 


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Author Biographies

I Ketut Ngawit, Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture Mataram University and 2Biology Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Mataram University. Address Jalan Majapahit No. 62, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia

I Wayan Sudika, University of Mataram

I Wayan Suana, University of Mataram


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