Developing Digital Module Using the TPACK Framework to Enhance Students’ Life Skill


Marnita , Diding Nurdin , Eka Prihatin , Marwan






Vol. 10 No. 6 (2024): June


Digital Module, TPACK Framework, Students Life Skill Ability

Research Articles


How to Cite

Marnita, Nurdin, D., Prihatin, E., & Marwan. (2024). Developing Digital Module Using the TPACK Framework to Enhance Students’ Life Skill. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(6), 2956–2970.


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The purpose of this study is to develop a digital module using the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework in enhancing students' life skills and assessing the effectiveness of lecturers' learning management. The respondents of this study were the fourth-semester students of the Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) program. This study employed an R&D (Research and Development) design that follows the 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) model. The design adopted the theory proposed by Plomp, which outlines five steps: problem analysis, design, realization, implementation, and evaluation. The findings of this study indicated that students have a significant role in teaching and learning process. It revealed the lecturers’ self-reflection on digital technology-based teaching abilities. Additionally, it implied the development of student creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, negotiation, and decision-making skills. These are integral components of 21st-century skills that play a pivotal role in students' future careers. This study concluded that the digital module using TPACK framework could enhance students' life skills and demonstrated high practicality regarding usage and lecturers’ self-development.


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Aleman-Saravia, A. C., & Deroncele-Acosta, A. (2021). Technology, Pedagogy and Content (TPACK framework): Systematic Literature Review. Proceedings - 2021 16th Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies, LACLO 2021.

Almaiah, M. A., Alfaisal, R., Salloum, S. A., Al-Otaibi, S., Shishakly, R., Lutfi, A., Alrawad, M., Mulhem, A. Al, Awad, A. B., & Al-Maroof, R. S. (2022). Integrating Teachers’ TPACK Levels and Students’ Learning Motivation, Technology Innovativeness, and Optimism in an IoT Acceptance Model. Electronics (Switzerland), 11(19).

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Chusni, M. M., Saputro, S., Suranto, & Rahardjo, S. B. (2022). Empowering critical thinking skills on different academic levels through discovery-based multiple representation learning. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 41(2).

Cronin, L., Allen, J., Ellison, P., Marchant, D., Levy, A., & Harwood, C. (2021). Development and initial validation of the life skills ability scale for higher education students. Studies in Higher Education, 46(6).

Cynthia, C., Arafah, K., & Palloan, P. (2023). Development of Interactive Physics E-Module to Improve Critical Thinking Skills. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(5).

Drugova, E., Zhuravleva, I., Aiusheeva, M., & Grits, D. (2021). Toward a model of learning innovation integration: TPACK-SAMR based analysis of the introduction of a digital learning environment in three Russian universities. Education and Information Technologies, 26(4).

Erdisna, E., Ridwan, M., & Syahputra, H. (2022). Developing Digital Entrepreneurship Learning Model: 4-D Competencies-Based for Millennial Generation in Higher Education. Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education, 4(2).

Gu, C., Chen, J., Lin, J., Lin, S., Wu, W., Jiang, Q., Yang, C., & Wei, W. (2022). The impact of eye-tracking games as a training case on students’ learning interest and continuous learning intention in game design courses: Taking Flappy Bird as an example. Learning and Motivation, 78.

Gustiani, S. (2019). Research and Development (R&D) Method As a Model Design in Educational Research and Its Alternatives. Holistics Journal, 11(2), 12–22.

Holzer, B. M., Ramuz, O., Minder, C. E., & Zimmerli, L. (2022). Motivation and personality factors of Generation Z high school students aspiring to study human medicine. BMC Medical Education, 22(1).

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Iivari, N., Sharma, S., & Ventä-Olkkonen, L. (2020). Digital transformation of everyday life – How COVID-19 pandemic transformed the basic education of the young generation and why information management research should care? International Journal of Information Management, 55.

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Karademir, T., Alper, A., Soğuksu, A. F., & Karababa, Z. C. (2021). The development and evaluation of self-directed digital learning material development platform for foreign language education. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(4).

Kaushal, R. K., & Panda, S. N. (2019). A meta analysis on effective conditions to offer animation based teaching style. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 16(1).

Kurilova, A., Lysenko, E., Pronkin, N., Mukhin, K., & Syromyatnikov, D. (2019). The impact of strategic outsourcing on the interaction market in entrepreneurship education. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(4).

Kusmaharti, D., & Yustitia, V. (2022). Self-regulated learning-based digital module development to improve students’ critical thinking skills. Al-Jabar : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 13(1).

Kusuma, I. P. I. (2021). Tpack-related programs for pre-service english teachers: An in-depth analysis on efforts and issues of ict integration. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 40(1).

Lim, C. L., Jalil, H. A., Ma’rof, A. M., & Saad, W. Z. (2020). Self-regulated learning as a mediator in the relationship between peer learning and online learning satisfaction: A study of a private university in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 17(1).

Maisah, M., Fauzi, H., Aprianto, I., Amiruddin, A., & Zulqarnain, Z. (2020). Strategi Pengembangan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi. Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Terapan, 1(5).

Makarova, E. A., & Makarova, E. L. (2018). Blending pedagogy and digital technology to transform educational environment. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 6(2).

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Maryani, M., Nisak, M. S., & Supriadi, B. (2022). Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Web Google Sites Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah Siswa SMA Pokok Bahasan Gelombang Bunyi. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(4).

McBeath, K. C. C., Angermann, C. E., & Cowie, M. R. (2022). Digital Technologies to Support Better Outcome and Experience of Care in Patients with Heart Failure. In Current Heart Failure Reports (Vol. 19, Issue 3).

Meirbekov, A., Maslova, I., & Gallyamova, Z. (2022). Digital education tools for critical thinking development. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 44.

Miterianifa, Ashadi, Saputro, S., & Suciati. (2020). Critical Thinking Skills Profile Of Senior High School Students In Learning Chemistry. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 8(3).

Mofrad, S., Chee, K. F., Koh, A. E., & Uba, I. (2013). Investigating Life Skills among Young Students in Malaysia. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity.

Nassr, R. M., Aldossary, A. A., & Nasir, H. (2021). Students’ Intention To Use Emotion-Aware Virtual Learning Environment: Does A Lecturer’s Interaction Make A Difference? Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 18(1).

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Nopriana, T., Herman, T., & Martadiputra, B. A. P. (2023). Digital Didactical Design: The Role of Learning Obstacles in Designing Combinatorics Digital Module for Vocational Students. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 17(2).

Noris, M., Jannah, M., Suyitno, M., & Rizal, S. U. (2024). Analysis of Students’ Critical Thinking Ability Profile Using HOTS-Based Questions. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(2).

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Pannen, P., & Dwi Riyanti, R. (2022). Reflections On Online Learning Ecosystem In Ice Institute. ICERI2022 Proceedings, 1.

Papakostas, C., Troussas, C., Krouska, A., & Sgouropoulou, C. (2023). Exploring Users’ Behavioral Intention to Adopt Mobile Augmented Reality in Education through an Extended Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 39(6).

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Rachmawati, F., & Purwaningrum, J. P. (2019). Model discovery learning berbasis etnomatematika pada bangun ruang untuk Menumbuhkan kemampuan Literasi dan Karakter Nasionalisme Pada Generasi Z 4.0. AKSIOMA : Jurnal Matematika Dan Pendidikan Matematika, 10(2).

Rahmatsyah, S. W., & Dwiningsih, K. (2021). Development of Interactive E-Module on The Periodic System Materials as an Online Learning Media. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 7(2).

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Ritonga, M., Yulhendri, Y., & Susanti, N. (2021). Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Kompetensi Dosen Pada Pembelajaran Era Disrupsi Industri 4.0. Research and Development Journal of Education, 7(1).

Setiyani, Putri, D. P., Ferdianto, F., & Fauji, S. H. (2020). Designing a digital teaching module based on mathematical communication in relation and function. Journal on Mathematics Education, 11(2).

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Sherly, Dharma, E., & Sihombing, B. H. (2020). Merdeka Belajar: Kajian Literatur. Konferensi Nasional Pendidikan I.

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Wusqo, I. U., Khusniati, M., Pamelasari, S. D., Laksono, A., & Wulandari, D. (2021). The effectiveness of digital science scrapbook on students’ science visual literacy. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 10(1), 121–126.

Adams, D., Joo, M. T. H., Sumintono, B., & Pei, O. S. (2020). Blended learning engagement in higher education institutions: A differential item functioning analysis of students’ backgrounds. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 17(1).

Aleman-Saravia, A. C., & Deroncele-Acosta, A. (2021). Technology, Pedagogy and Content (TPACK framework): Systematic Literature Review. Proceedings - 2021 16th Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies, LACLO 2021.

Almaiah, M. A., Alfaisal, R., Salloum, S. A., Al-Otaibi, S., Shishakly, R., Lutfi, A., Alrawad, M., Mulhem, A. Al, Awad, A. B., & Al-Maroof, R. S. (2022). Integrating Teachers’ TPACK Levels and Students’ Learning Motivation, Technology Innovativeness, and Optimism in an IoT Acceptance Model. Electronics (Switzerland), 11(19).

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Barta, A., Fodor, L. A., Tamas, B., & Szamoskozi, I. (2022). The development of students critical thinking abilities and dispositions through the concept mapping learning method – A meta-analysis. In Educational Research Review (Vol. 37).

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Chaiyama, N., & Kaewpila, N. (2022). The development of life and career skills in 21st century test for undergraduate students. European Journal of Educational Research, 11(1), 51–68.

Chusni, M. M., Saputro, S., Suranto, & Rahardjo, S. B. (2022). Empowering critical thinking skills on different academic levels through discovery-based multiple representation learning. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 41(2).

Cronin, L., Allen, J., Ellison, P., Marchant, D., Levy, A., & Harwood, C. (2021). Development and initial validation of the life skills ability scale for higher education students. Studies in Higher Education, 46(6).

Cynthia, C., Arafah, K., & Palloan, P. (2023). Development of Interactive Physics E-Module to Improve Critical Thinking Skills. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(5).

Drugova, E., Zhuravleva, I., Aiusheeva, M., & Grits, D. (2021). Toward a model of learning innovation integration: TPACK-SAMR based analysis of the introduction of a digital learning environment in three Russian universities. Education and Information Technologies, 26(4).

Erdisna, E., Ridwan, M., & Syahputra, H. (2022). Developing Digital Entrepreneurship Learning Model: 4-D Competencies-Based for Millennial Generation in Higher Education. Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education, 4(2).

Gu, C., Chen, J., Lin, J., Lin, S., Wu, W., Jiang, Q., Yang, C., & Wei, W. (2022). The impact of eye-tracking games as a training case on students’ learning interest and continuous learning intention in game design courses: Taking Flappy Bird as an example. Learning and Motivation, 78.

Gustiani, S. (2019). Research and Development (R&D) Method As a Model Design in Educational Research and Its Alternatives. Holistics Journal, 11(2), 12–22.

Holzer, B. M., Ramuz, O., Minder, C. E., & Zimmerli, L. (2022). Motivation and personality factors of Generation Z high school students aspiring to study human medicine. BMC Medical Education, 22(1).

Hutabarat, H. D., & Hasibuan, F. A. (2020). Peningkatan Kreativitas Siswa Melalui Media Pembelajaran Berbasis E-Learning Pada Siswa Kelas X Sma Negeri 1 Angkola Timur. Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan, 8(4).

Iivari, N., Sharma, S., & Ventä-Olkkonen, L. (2020). Digital transformation of everyday life – How COVID-19 pandemic transformed the basic education of the young generation and why information management research should care? International Journal of Information Management, 55.

Indarta, Y., Jalinus, N., Abdullah, R., & Samala, A. D. (2021). 21st Century Skills : TVET dan Tantangan Abad 21. EDUKATIF : JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN, 3(6).

Kansaart, P., Suikraduang, A., & Panya, P. (2018). Using the learning management evaluation model for advancing to life skills of lower secondary students in the 21st century. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1923.

Karademir, T., Alper, A., Soğuksu, A. F., & Karababa, Z. C. (2021). The development and evaluation of self-directed digital learning material development platform for foreign language education. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(4).

Kaushal, R. K., & Panda, S. N. (2019). A meta analysis on effective conditions to offer animation based teaching style. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 16(1).

Kurilova, A., Lysenko, E., Pronkin, N., Mukhin, K., & Syromyatnikov, D. (2019). The impact of strategic outsourcing on the interaction market in entrepreneurship education. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(4).

Kusmaharti, D., & Yustitia, V. (2022). Self-regulated learning-based digital module development to improve students’ critical thinking skills. Al-Jabar : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 13(1).

Kusuma, I. P. I. (2021). Tpack-related programs for pre-service english teachers: An in-depth analysis on efforts and issues of ict integration. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 40(1).

Lim, C. L., Jalil, H. A., Ma’rof, A. M., & Saad, W. Z. (2020). Self-regulated learning as a mediator in the relationship between peer learning and online learning satisfaction: A study of a private university in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 17(1).

Maisah, M., Fauzi, H., Aprianto, I., Amiruddin, A., & Zulqarnain, Z. (2020). STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN MUTU PERGURUAN TINGGI. Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Terapan, 1(5).

Makarova, E. A., & Makarova, E. L. (2018). Blending pedagogy and digital technology to transform educational environment. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 6(2).

Manulang, E., Linda, R., & Noer, A. M. (2020). PENGEMBANGAN E-MODULE KIMIA BERBASIS EXE-LEARNING PADA MATERI LAJU REAKSI. Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia Universitas Riau, 5(2).

Maryani, M., Nisak, M. S., & Supriadi, B. (2022). Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Web Google Sites Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah Siswa SMA Pokok Bahasan Gelombang Bunyi. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(4).

McBeath, K. C. C., Angermann, C. E., & Cowie, M. R. (2022). Digital Technologies to Support Better Outcome and Experience of Care in Patients with Heart Failure. In Current Heart Failure Reports (Vol. 19, Issue 3).

Meirbekov, A., Maslova, I., & Gallyamova, Z. (2022). Digital education tools for critical thinking development. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 44.

Miterianifa, Ashadi, Saputro, S., & Suciati. (2020). Critical Thinking Skills Profile Of Senior High School Students In Learning Chemistry. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 8(3).

Mofrad, S., Chee, K. F., Koh, A. E., & Uba, I. (2013). Investigating Life Skills among Young Students in Malaysia. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity.

Nassr, R. M., Aldossary, A. A., & Nasir, H. (2021). Students’ Intention To Use Emotion-Aware Virtual Learning Environment: Does A Lecturer’s Interaction Make A Difference? Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 18(1).

Ng, M. P., Alias, N., & Dewitt, D. (2022). Effectiveness of a gamification application in learning mandarin as a second language. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 19(2).

Nopriana, T., Herman, T., & Martadiputra, B. A. P. (2023). Digital Didactical Design: The Role of Learning Obstacles in Designing Combinatorics Digital Module for Vocational Students. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 17(2).

Noris, M., Jannah, M., Suyitno, M., & Rizal, S. U. (2024). Analysis of Students’ Critical Thinking Ability Profile Using HOTS-Based Questions. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(2).

O’Reilly, C., Devitt, A., & Hayes, N. (2022). Critical thinking in the preschool classroom - A systematic literature review. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 46.

Pannen, P., & Dwi Riyanti, R. (2022). Reflections On Online Learning Ecosystem In Ice Institute. ICERI2022 Proceedings, 1.

Papakostas, C., Troussas, C., Krouska, A., & Sgouropoulou, C. (2023). Exploring Users’ Behavioral Intention to Adopt Mobile Augmented Reality in Education through an Extended Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 39(6).

Penprase, B. E. (2018). The fourth industrial revolution and higher education. In Higher Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Podder, S. K., Samanta, D., & Gurunath, R. (2020). Impact of Business Analytics for Smart Education System and Management Functions.

Pramuditya, S. A., Noto, M. S., & Azzumar, F. (2022). Characteristics Of Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Abilities In Open-Ended-Based Virtual Reality Game Learning. Infinity Journal, 11(2).

Rachmawati, F., & Purwaningrum, J. P. (2019). Model discovery learning berbasis etnomatematika pada bangun ruang untuk Menumbuhkan kemampuan Literasi dan Karakter Nasionalisme Pada Generasi Z 4.0. AKSIOMA : Jurnal Matematika Dan Pendidikan Matematika, 10(2).

Rahmatsyah, S. W., & Dwiningsih, K. (2021). Development of Interactive E-Module on The Periodic System Materials as an Online Learning Media. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 7(2).

Risdianto, E. (2019). Analisis Pendidikan Indonesia di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Research Gate, April(January).

Ritonga, M., Yulhendri, Y., & Susanti, N. (2021). Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Kompetensi Dosen Pada Pembelajaran Era Disrupsi Industri 4.0. Research and Development Journal of Education, 7(1).

Setiyani, Putri, D. P., Ferdianto, F., & Fauji, S. H. (2020). Designing a digital teaching module based on mathematical communication in relation and function. Journal on Mathematics Education, 11(2).

Shek, D. T. L., Lin, L., Ma, C. M. S., Yu, L., Leung, J. T. Y., Wu, F. K. Y., Leung, H., & Dou, D. (2021). Perceptions of Adolescents, Teachers and Parents of Life Skills Education and Life Skills in High School Students in Hong Kong. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 16(5), 1847–1860.

Sherly, Dharma, E., & Sihombing, B. H. (2020). Merdeka Belajar: Kajian Literatur. Konferensi Nasional Pendidikan I.

Sinambela, L. P. (2017). Profesionalisme dosen dan kualitas pendidikan tinggi. Populis : Jurnal Sosial Dan Humaniora, 2(2).

Sulasmi, E. (2022). Primary School Teachers’ Digital Literacy: An Analysis On Teachers’ Skills In Using Technological Devices. Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research, 3(2).

Syed Chear, S. L., & Md Yunus, M. (2019). Strategi penerapan kemahiran abad ke-21 dalam latihan guru prasekolah. Southeast Asia Early Childhood Journal, 8(1).

Wardani, S., Lindawati, L., & Kusuma, S. B. W. (2017). The development of inquiry by using android-system-based chemistry board game to improve learning outcome and critical thinking ability. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 6(2).

Wusqo, I. U., Khusniati, M., Pamelasari, S. D., Laksono, A., & Wulandari, D. (2021). The effectiveness of digital science scrapbook on students’ science visual literacy. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 10(1), 121–126.

Author Biographies

Marnita, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Diding Nurdin, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Eka Prihatin, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Marwan, Universitas Almuslim


Copyright (c) 2024 Marnita, Diding Nurdin, Eka Prihatin, Marwan

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