Measurement of the Environmental Health Literacy (EHL) Scale Validation on Peatland Context


Dessyka Febria , Riski Novera Yenita






Vol. 10 No. SpecialIssue (2024): In Press


Environmental health literacy, Peatland, Prevention actions, Scale validation

Research Articles


How to Cite

Febria, D., & Yenita, R. N. (2024). Measurement of the Environmental Health Literacy (EHL) Scale Validation on Peatland Context. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(SpecialIssue), 310–318.


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This research aims to develop an Environmental Health Literacy (EHL) scale in the context of peatlands that is valid and reliable, can cover all dimensions of environmental health in peatlands, and can be applied to different locations worldwide. This research followed a scale development process to develop the measurement by collecting 53 a priori items from each of the 96 respondents. Then, a collection of items was produced through item analysis with experts. The final form (52 items) was to 96 respondents in 18 villages and two sub-districts registered in the Peat Care Village in Riau Province with the EHL scale, which have five dimensions which have been tested using focus group discussions from environmental health practitioners, environmental practitioners and academics. The scale demonstrated a four-factor construct with 50 items by explanatory factor analysis. This construct provides an excellent fit index and reliability score.


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Author Biographies

Dessyka Febria, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Riski Novera Yenita, Institut Kesehatan dan Teknologi Al Insyirah Pekanbaru


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