Implementation of Modified Base Learning Problems in Improving Vocational Physics Learning Outcomes on Optical Materials


Ika Vidiasari Aristawati , Wiyanto Wiyanto , Budi Astuti






Vol. 7 No. SpecialIssue (2021): December


Aspects of knowledge, Aspects of skills, learning outcomes, Problem Based Learning



How to Cite

Aristawati, I. V., Wiyanto, W., & Astuti, B. (2021). Implementation of Modified Base Learning Problems in Improving Vocational Physics Learning Outcomes on Optical Materials. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 7(SpecialIssue), 244–249.


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The purpose of research on the implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) can improve students' physics learning outcomes in terms of knowledge and skills. Classroom Action Research was conducted in two cycles, the subject of the research was class X APHP 03 with 35 students. The data collection method used was a test for knowledge and skill aspects through observation. Qualitative descriptive data analysis method for the knowledge aspect by percentage of students' mastery level classically and the skill aspect through the observation sheet scoring. Learning outcomes from cycle I and cycle II have increased in the knowledge aspect by 17.14%. Aspects of student skills increase in the indicators of systematic presentation, mastery of the material and pronunciation at the time of presentation, so that the implementation of Problem Based Learning can improve student learning outcomes


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Author Biographies

Ika Vidiasari Aristawati, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Wiyanto Wiyanto, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Budi Astuti, Universitas Negeri Semarang


Copyright (c) 2021 Ika Vidiasari Aristawati

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