Psychology of Learning Theory (Behavioristic, Constructivist, Humanistic) in Science Learning: A Systematic Literature Review
Vol. 10 No. 12 (2024): DecemberKeywords:
Behavioristic, Constructivist, Humanistic, Science learningReview
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In the education system, the application of various learning psychology theories has become the main guideline in forming effective learning strategies. This study aims to review previous studies on the application of Behavioristic, Constructivist, and Humanistic theories in science learning in order to understand the implications of each theory and the potential for integrating the three theories in increasing the effectiveness of science learning. This study is a Systematic literature review (SLR) study with a descriptive analysis approach. The data in this study came from articles that discussed the application of Behavioristic, Constructivist, and Humanistic theories in science learning. Of the 109 articles obtained through Google Search, Google Scholar, and Research Gate, it was concluded that 21 articles met the research criteria. The results of the study showed that only 21 journals discussed according to the criteria of this study, including 11 journals indexed by Sinta. The results of previous studies have made a real contribution to making decisions regarding the implementation of science learning in terms of learning psychology. The success of implementing science learning using the three theories of learning psychology in this study depends on the understanding of teachers as learners, the learning approaches used, learning models, and understanding of students' learning styles.
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Author Biography
Khairil Hadi, Ganesha University
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