Classroom Management: How Important is Authentic Assessment of 21st Century Skills in Biology Education Students?


Anda Juanda






Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): January


21st century skills, Authentic assessment, Biology education

Research Articles


How to Cite

Juanda, A. (2022). Classroom Management: How Important is Authentic Assessment of 21st Century Skills in Biology Education Students?. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(1), 188–194.


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To compete in the 21st century, educators need to equip students with various skills called 21st-century skills. The purpose of this research is to identify and describe the perceptions of biology education lecturers and students regarding the authentic assessment of 21st-century skills. The method used in this research is an internet-based survey method. The research participants consisted of 7 lecturers and 80 students majoring in biology education. The instrument used is a result questionnaire consisting of 11 questions for lecturers and ten questions for students. The survey results show that lecturers and students know about the components and urgency of 21st-century skills. In addition, the assessment of these skills is also quite often done. However, there are still some obstacles in authentically assessing 21st-century skills.


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Author Biography

Anda Juanda, Tadris Biologi, IAIN Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon Indonesia


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