Diversity and Prediction of Corn Product Loss Due Weed Competition to Two Types of Dry Land Agroecosystem


Nihla Farida , I Ketut Ngawit , I Putu Silawibawa






Vol. 8 No. SpecialIssue (2022): December


Weeds, Yield loss, Competition, Poaceae, Puzzles



How to Cite

Farida, N. ., Ngawit, I. K. ., & Silawibawa, I. P. . (2022). Diversity and Prediction of Corn Product Loss Due Weed Competition to Two Types of Dry Land Agroecosystem. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(SpecialIssue), 30–38. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v8iSpecialIssue.2489


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The aim of the study was to determine which weed species had a significant effect on the reduction of maize yields, so that it could be determined which species should be controlled and which should not be controlled. The research was carried out using a descriptive method on dry land in Mumbul Sari Village, Bayan, North Lombok. Collecting data on population and growth of weeds and plants, using sample plots measuring 1 m2 placed at 10 points by random sampling. Parameters observed were weed species population, corn crop population plot-1, dry biomass weight of plot-1 weed, dry biomass weight of plot-1 corn, and dry seed weight of corn plot-1. Quantitative data analysis by calculating the value, relative density (RN), relative frequency (RF) and relative dominance (RD) to calculate the significant value index (SVI), and Summe Diminance Ratio (SDR). There were 2 species of puzzle weed, 10 species of Poaceae weed and 13 species of broadleaf weed. One species of puzzle weed, namely Cyperus rotondus and 3 species of Poaceae Digitaria longiflora, Paspalum conjugatum and Panicum repens, and 2 species of broadleaf weed, Amaranthus spp., and Synedrella nodiliflora, were very dominant and continued to exist during plant growth with respective SDR values each species 10.43%; 15.37%; 10.20%; 9.67 %; 10.00% and 5.80%. The competitiveness and relative weighted dominance of the 6 weed species were higher than other weed species, so that the six weed species were able to eliminate the average maize yield since the plants were 30 – 90 as much as 17.90%; 16.78%; 12.35%;10.88%; 9.18% and 3.40%


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Author Biographies

Nihla Farida, Program Studi Agroeketeknologi, Fakultas Pertanian UNRAM, Nusa Tenggara Barat, INDONESIA

I Ketut Ngawit, Program Studi Agroeketeknologi, Fakultas Pertanian UNRAM, Nusa Tenggara Barat, INDONESIA

I Putu Silawibawa, Program Studi Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian UNRAM, Nusa Tenggara Barat, INDONESIA


Copyright (c) 2022 Nihla Farida, I Ketut Ngawit, I Putu Silawibawa

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