Development of a Practical E-Module for POE-Based Used Cooking Oil Management in West Sumbawa Regency


Dewi Seprianingsih , Rizka Doni Agung Saputra






Vol. 9 No. SpecialIssue (2023): UNRAM journals and research based on science education, science applications towards a golden Indonesia 2045


Development, E-module, Jelantah, POE Based

Research Articles


How to Cite

Seprianingsih, D., & Saputra, R. D. A. . (2023). Development of a Practical E-Module for POE-Based Used Cooking Oil Management in West Sumbawa Regency . Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(SpecialIssue), 924–931.


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The research objectives were to determine: 1) the process of developing POE-based E-module practicum management of used cooking oil in West Sumbawa Regency; 2) expert validation test results (construct/design and content/material) E-module practicum management of used cooking oil based on POE in West Sumbawa Regency by the validator; 3) the results of the E-module readability test for the management of POE-based used cooking oil practicum by students. The development of the POE-Based E-Module Practicum Management of Cooking Oil refers to the 4D learning development model. This research only reached stage 3 D (Develop), namely the development stage with detailed activities in the form of expert validation (construct/design and content/material) by the validator and the E readability test of the POE-based waste cooking oil management practicum module. The instruments to be used in this research are: Construct validation sheet and contents of the practicum E-module and the readability test sheet of the practicum E-module. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, the results of validation I from validator I were obtained with a value of 88%. Meanwhile, the results of validation I from validator II were 89.2% with very valid criteria


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Author Biographies

Dewi Seprianingsih, universitas cordova

Rizka Doni Agung Saputra, University of Cordova


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