Adoption of Shoot Grafting Technology in People's Coffee Based on Internal and External Factors of Local Farmers in Bengkulu Province


Eddy Silamat , Hermanto Siregar , Rachmat Pambudy , Harianto Harianto






Vol. 9 No. 11 (2023): November


Connect the Shoots, Local Farmers, People's Coffee, Technology Adoption

Research Articles


How to Cite

Silamat, E., Siregar, H., Pambudy, R., & Harianto, H. (2023). Adoption of Shoot Grafting Technology in People’s Coffee Based on Internal and External Factors of Local Farmers in Bengkulu Province. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(11), 10203–10211.


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The application of the practice of grafting technology to people's coffee plants is very encouraged by the people of Bengkulu Province. This of course cannot be separated from the factors that influence people in practicing grafting. Based on this phenomenon, this research was conducted to find out the internal and external factors that influence people to practice grafting in Bengkulu Province. This research is quantitative, primary data was obtained through a questionnaire by distributing a list of questions that had been prepared. The sample was selected using the multi-stage sampling method. The total number of frame samples was 326, consisting of 120 grafted frame samples and 206 coffee frame samples that had not been grafted. Coffee plants can be propagated vegetatively, that is, using parts of the plant itself, and generatively, that is, using seeds or grains. Grafting in coffee plants is vegetative propagation. The research results show that internal factors inherent in coffee farmers in Bengkulu are the dominant drivers in adopting grafting technology, that is the farmer's age, knowledge, experience in the field of grafting, convenience, and results obtained


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Author Biographies

Eddy Silamat, Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia

Hermanto Siregar, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University and Graduate Program of Management and Business IPB, Bogor 16680, Indonesia

Rachmat Pambudy, Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia

Harianto Harianto, Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia


Copyright (c) 2023 Eddy Silamat, Hermanto Siregar, Rachmat Pambudy, Harianto Harianto

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