Effectiveness of Project-Based Online Learning on 21st Century Thinking Skills of Indonesian Students: A Meta-Analysis Research from 2018-2023
Vol. 9 No. 11 (2023): NovemberKeywords:
Effect size, Online learning, Project based learning, 21st century skillsReview
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Online learning plays an important role in supporting learning activities between students and teachers. However, there has been no quantitative meta-analysis of the overall effectiveness of Project-Based Learning online-based learning on students' 21st century thinking skills. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of project-based learning online learning on the thinking skills of 21st century students in Indonesia. This type of research is a meta-analysis. The meta-analysis analyzed 16 articles published from 201 8-2023. The results of the analysis concluded that project-based online learning has a significant effect on students' 21st century thinking skills with a summary effect or mean effect size (rE = 1.04 High criteria). Furthermore, these findings conclude that the project-based online learning model effectively encourages students' 21st century thinking skills compared to conventional learning models.
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Author Biographies
Jonni Mardizal, Padang State University
Wiwid Suryono, Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya
Kartika Nuswantara, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology
Arniati Muhe, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
Komari, Jayapura University of Science and Technology
Copyright (c) 2023 Jonni Mardizal, Wiwid Suryono, Kartika Nuswantara, Arniati Muhe, Komari

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