Enculturation of Lombok Coastal Local Wisdom in PBL as A Conservation Learning Strategy to Improve Students' Environmental Literacy


Akhmad Sukri






Vol. 9 No. 8 (2023): August


Enculturation, Environmental Literacy, Local Wisdom, PBL

Research Articles


How to Cite

Sukri, A. (2023). Enculturation of Lombok Coastal Local Wisdom in PBL as A Conservation Learning Strategy to Improve Students’ Environmental Literacy. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(8), 6733–6741. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v9i8.5744


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Environmental literacy is essential for students to comprehend environmental issues and sustainable behaviours that can help reduce negative environmental impacts. This research is motivated by the low environmental literacy of students, which is attributed to schools not providing direct learning experiences for students to interact with the environment. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of students' environmental literacy by applying conservation-based PBL (Problem-Based Learning). The research sample consisted of 104 students from SMAN 1 Lembar selected through purposive sampling. The research method employed a pre-experimental design with a quantitative approach. Environmental literacy tests used test instruments adapted and modified from the Middle Schools Environmental Literacy Survey with indicators of knowledge, cognitive abilities, and attitudes. Data were analyzed using t-test calculations and n-gain. The research results show that conservation-based PBL is efficacious in improving students' environmental literacy based on (1) a significant increase in students' environmental literacy scores at α = 5%, (2) moderate n-gain scores, and (3) there was no difference in n-gain for all groups. Therefore, conservation-based PBL can be considered an alternative for teachers to enhance students' understanding of environmental issues while preparing them to adapt to ongoing climate and environmental changes


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Author Biography

Akhmad Sukri, Department of Biology education, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika


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