Role of Family and Community Health Center Employees in Controlling Dengue Fever in Puskesmas Antang Makassar


Loso Judijanti , Hamsir Ahmad , Inayah , Wahyuni Sahani , Ony Wibriyono Angkejaya






Vol. 10 No. 5 (2024): May


Dengue Fever, Health Center Employees, Role Of Family

Research Articles


How to Cite

Judijanti, L., Ahmad, H., Inayah, Sahani, W., & Angkejaya, O. W. (2024). Role of Family and Community Health Center Employees in Controlling Dengue Fever in Puskesmas Antang Makassar. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(5), 2838–2845.


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The problem of dengue fever until now is still a problem which cannot be removed. The medicine of this desease is still not found to prevent transmission of dengue fever. The way to control dengue fever was by controlling the vector of transmission at the stage of the adult of egg phase, larvae, and pupae. It also included controlling mosquito adult phase. So that, in solving the problem, this research had purpose to find out and analyze the role of family and community health center employees in controlling dengue fever in Puskesmas Antang, Makassar. The method which was used in this research was observation by using case – control planning with descriptive analysis with quantitative and qualitative approach. It was done by giving the questionnaire to health center employees and public figures that involved that knew about dengue fever in this research. The result showed that 13.5% of informants had enough category in controlling this desease 86.5% of the informants were in less category. Having Lack of knowledge and action to prevent this disease could increase dengue fever to the health people. This research also can be used as the references for the next researchers.


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Author Biographies

Loso Judijanti, IPOSS Jakarta, Indonesia

Hamsir Ahmad, Health Departement, Polytechnic of Health Makassar

Inayah, Enviromental Sanitation, Polytechnic of Health Makassar

Wahyuni Sahani, Enviromental Sanitation, Polytechnic of Health Makassar

Ony Wibriyono Angkejaya, Faculty of Medicine, Pattimura University


Copyright (c) 2024 Loso Judijanti, Hamsir Ahmad, Inayah, Wahyuni Sahani, Ony Wibriyono Angkejaya

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