Development Edge Device Monitoring System Stunting and Malnutrition in Golden age 0–5 years Integrated with AI


Nurdina Widanti , Wike Handini , Nur Witdi Yanto , Aditya Alamsyah






Vol. 9 No. SpecialIssue (2023): UNRAM journals and research based on science education, science applications towards a golden Indonesia 2045


Edge Devices, Golde Age, Machine Learning, Malnutrition, Stunting

Research Articles


How to Cite

Widanti, N., Handini, W. ., Yanto, N. W., & Alamsyah, A. . (2023). Development Edge Device Monitoring System Stunting and Malnutrition in Golden age 0–5 years Integrated with AI. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(SpecialIssue), 247–253.


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Golden age is the best period for a child's growth, monitoring of growth and development must be carried out regularly. Growth and development disorders in children are stunting and malnutrition. This incident also prompted the government through the Ministry of Health to create a special program towards a golden Indonesia 2045 to monitor stunting and disease, especially in children. The prevalence of stunting decreased to 21.6% from 24.4% in 2022. Early detection of stunting and malnutrition, where the research object is children aged 0-5 years. This prototype was built using a load cell sensor, a study of the use of optical sensors and ultrasonic sensors to measure body height, and a MAX sensor to detect children's anemia. The integration of this tool combines IoT and AI. The results obtained to validate the use of load cells have a reading error of 0.01% with an accuracy of 99%. Comparison using optical sensors and ultrasonic sensors. Optical sensors have result average error of 0.01, accuracy 98.99%, ultrasonic sensors error was 0. 15 with 85% accuracy. To measure malnutrition, the anemia parameters were processed using the Dense Neural Network (DNN) model with 256 neurons showing an accuracy of 98.03%.


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Author Biographies

Nurdina Widanti, universitas jayabaya

Aditya Alamsyah, Universitas Jayabaya


Copyright (c) 2023 Nurdina Widanti, Wike Handini, Nur Witdi Yanto, Aditya Alamsyah

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