Project Based Learning (PjBL) in Chemistry Learning: Systematic Literature and Bibliometric Review 2015 - 2022
Vol. 10 No. 6 (2024): JuneKeywords:
Project Based Learning, Chemistry Learning, Sistematic Literature Review, Bibliometric reviewReview
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Education is important to form an intelligent and competitive generation. Project Based Learning (PjBL) offers relevant and interactive learning, recognized by Grant (2002) as a student-centered model. PjBL creates a constructivist environment, developing content understanding and skills, such as communication, time management, research and critical thinking. This research focuses on the application of PjBL in chemistry learning, aiming to find out the results of previous research. This research uses Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and bibliometric review as methods. SLR is considered a systematic and transparent method of collecting, synthesizing and assessing study findings on a topic. The process includes planning (research identification), implementation (literature search and selection), and reporting (synthesis of findings). The research question (RQ) focuses on the application of Project Based Learning (PjBL) in chemistry learning. Twenty journals were selected, mostly from Scopus, with criteria ranging from 2015-2020. The analysis showed that 13 journals met the criteria, and a bibliometric review was then carried out on these journals. The research results show that PjBL focuses on skill development, learning innovation, and the impact on student understanding and participation. The research implications highlight the importance of the PjBL model to improve the learning process and better learning tools. The results revealed a wide variety of methods and samples. Six studies focused on the influence of PjBL, critical thinking abilities, psychomotor skills, problem solving, creativity, cognitive achievement, and teamwork. This framework generally involves students' innovative learning and laboratory experiments. Chemistry concepts include analytical, physical, environmental, basic, and organic chemistry. Data collection and analysis tools serve as benchmarks for future research and implications.
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Author Biographies
Erica Anna Pratiwi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jaslin Ikhsan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Copyright (c) 2024 Erica Anna Pratiwi, Jaslin Ikhsan

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