Isolation and Identification of Acid-Forming Bacteria in Arabica Coffee Fruit (Coffea arabica) During Wet Fermentation


Qothrunnada Amira Salma , Sarkono , Aida Muspiah






Vol. 10 No. 8 (2024): August


Acetic acid bacteria, arabica coffee, fermentation, lactic acid bacteria

Research Articles


How to Cite

Salma, Q. A., Sarkono, S., & Muspiah, A. (2024). Isolation and Identification of Acid-Forming Bacteria in Arabica Coffee Fruit (Coffea arabica) During Wet Fermentation. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(8), 6181–6191.


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The distinctive flavor and aroma possessed by Arabica coffee are an attraction for coffee enthusiasts. Post-harvest processing of coffee such as coffee fruit fermentation also contributes to the formation of the flavor and aroma of Arabica coffee. In this study, spontaneous fermentation was conducted by adding distilled water, with treatments on fermentation days 4 and 7 aimed at detecting acid-forming bacteria that played a role in the fermentation process. The bacterial isolates were characterized through macroscopic and microscopic observations, physiological, and biochemical tests. Identification of bacterial isolates was performed using the profile matching method based on Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (Holt et al., 1994) and Axellson (2004) until the genus level. The identified bacterial genera were Asaia, Gluconobacter, Neoasaia, Saccharibacter, and Lactobacillus.


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Author Biographies

Qothrunnada Amira Salma, Universitas Mataram

Sarkono, University of Mataram

Aida Muspiah, Universitas Mataram


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