Analysis of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Competence of Biology Teachers in the Use of High School Instructional Media


Harlis , Retni Sulistiyoning Budiarti , Dara Mutiara Aswan , Hendra Budiono






Vol. 10 No. 11 (2024): November


Biology Teachers, Instructional Media, Technology Integration TPACK

Research Articles


How to Cite

Harlis, Budiarti, R. S., Aswan, D. M., & Budiono, H. (2024). Analysis of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Competence of Biology Teachers in the Use of High School Instructional Media. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(11), 8799–8809.



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This study aims to analyze the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) competence of biology teachers in the use of instructional media in high schools in Kuala Tungkal. This research employs a descriptive method with a quantitative approach, involving 7 biology teachers from 3 public high schools in Kuala Tungkal as subjects. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The results indicate that the technology-based instructional media used by teachers vary according to the needs of the materials being taught. In terms of technological knowledge, the average percentage obtained was 77.78%, which falls under the Good category, while the pedagogical content knowledge aspect scored an average percentage of 84.4%, categorized as Very Good. The conclusion of this study suggests that biology teachers in Kuala Tungkal have good TPACK competence in the use of instructional media. Recommendations from this study include the enhancement of training for developing more advanced technology-based instructional media, such as e-modules and interactive simulations, to further improve the quality of biology education.


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Author Biographies

Harlis, Universitas Jambi

Retni Sulistiyoning Budiarti, Universitas Jambi

Dara Mutiara Aswan, Universitas Jambi

Hendra Budiono, Universitas Jambi


Copyright (c) 2024 Harlis, Retni Sulistiyoning Budiarti, Dara Mutiara Aswan, Hendra Budiono

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