The Trend of Wahdatul 'Ulum Between the Qur'an and Science in Indonesia Education: Literature Mapping with Nvivo


Atik Rahmawati , Sri Mulyanti






Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): October


Knowledge of the Qur'an, NVivo 12, Science learning, Wahdatul 'ulum



How to Cite

Rahmawati, A., & Mulyanti, S. . (2023). The Trend of Wahdatul ’Ulum Between the Qur’an and Science in Indonesia Education: Literature Mapping with Nvivo . Journal of Science and Science Education, 4(2), 96–107.



This study aims to determine how the implementation of various integrations of religious and scientific knowledge in learning activities in Indonesia with the concept of wahdatul 'ulum. Through the search for articles with keywords that match the objectives, 35 articles have been obtained that have concretely carried out research with various wahdatul 'ulum designs. The literature obtained was then analyzed and mapped with NVivo 12 based on the integration process and its implementation in learning activities. The results obtained are that most of the literature adopts the values of Islamic teachings originating from the Qur'an (57%), compared to the adoption of scientific concepts that are in line with the ayah of the Qur'an (43%). In the implementation of learning activities mapped into media, models, and learning assessments. It was found that the development of learning media in the form of modules that applied the concept of wahdatul 'ulum became the most dominating (18 articles). The findings of this study become a discourse for educators to continue to strive to implement wahdatul 'ulum in various components of learning so that there is no longer a dichotomy between religion and science because, in fact, various kinds of knowledge originate from Allah SWT with no contradictions in them


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Author Biographies

Atik Rahmawati, UIN Walisongo Semarang

Sri Mulyanti, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo


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