The Relationship Between Learning Style and Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Kinetic Theory of Gases


Dedi Riyan Rizaldi , Muh. Makhrus , Ziadatul Fatimah , Chester Ian Sotto Pineda






Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): October


Learning styles, critical thinking skills, kinetic theory of gases



How to Cite

Rizaldi, D. R., Makhrus, M. ., Fatimah, Z. ., & Pineda, C. I. S. . (2021). The Relationship Between Learning Style and Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Kinetic Theory of Gases. Journal of Science and Science Education, 2(2), 72–76.


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This study aims to determine the relationship between learning styles and critical thinking skills in learning gas kinetic theory. This type of research is pre-experimental with a level 3 factorial design that uses three classes to be sampled, namely XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, and XI IPA 3 in SMAN 7 Mataram. The learning style data collection technique used a questionnaire, while the critical thinking skill data used a multiple-choice test and description. The data obtained were analyzed using two-way ANOVA assisted by IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Based on the analysis obtained an F value of 0.03 <0.05, which illustrates a relationship between learning styles and students' critical thinking skills on learning kinetic theory of gases.


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Author Biographies

Dedi Riyan Rizaldi, Mataram of University

Muh. Makhrus, University of Mataram

Ziadatul Fatimah, University of Mataram


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