Development of Learning Tools and Disaster Mitigation Boxes Student Oriented Learning Model in Raising Student Awareness


Syahrial Ayub , Kosim Kosim , I Wayan Gunada , Muh. Mahrus






Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): April


Disaster mitigation learning tools, Student oriented learning model, Student disaster awareness



How to Cite

Ayub, S., Kosim, K., Gunada, I. W., & Mahrus, M. (2021). Development of Learning Tools and Disaster Mitigation Boxes Student Oriented Learning Model in Raising Student Awareness. Journal of Science and Science Education, 2(1), 22–32.


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This study aims to develop disaster mitigation learning tools in raising awareness of students in elementary schools. Research design using 4D models, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. Disaster mitigation learning tools developed are disaster mitigation boxes, learning implementation plans, student worksheets. The data was collected with questionnaires and tests measuring students' disaster awareness. The testing phase is the stage to find out the effect of the use of disaster mitigation learning tools on increasing student awareness. Student awareness raising is determined based on N-Gain and paired t-test. The results showed the learning tools and disaster mitigation boxes developed were declared valid and reliable, worthy of use in terms of content and construction and influential in raising disaster awareness of learners


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Author Biographies

Syahrial Ayub, Study Program of Physics Education, University of Mataram, Mataram

Kosim Kosim, Study Program of Physics Education, University of Mataram, Mataram

I Wayan Gunada, Study Program of Physics Education, University of Mataram, Mataram

Muh. Mahrus, Study Program of Physics Education, University of Mataram, Mataram


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